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If you want to find out more about the scholarships currently available through UCLT, please contact via the link below, or indeed, feel free to drop in or give our friendly staff a call today to discuss further.
Full or Part Fee Scholarships
Flexible full or part fee payment options available for the duration of study.
Many Options Available
We believe that there are options available to anybody pursuing study with UCLT.

Explore UCLT's available scholarships here

Explore UCLT's available scholarships here:

This fund is to promote the study of Methodist History and theology embracing any area of Methodism inside or outside Australia, including the provision of scholarships to assist students in Australia or overseas, to finance the visit of a lecturer/s in Methodism and subsidise publications relating to Methodism. This fund was established in 2001 and has a life of 30 years.

If you are thinking of pursuing studies at the Uniting College of Leadership and Theology as part of your development as a Christian leader and you come from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background, the Highbury Street Fund of the Uniting Church SA may be able to help by contributing to your study funds. For the selection criteria and further information, please click here.

Uniting College would like to acknowledge the generous bequest of John Gled-Hill in providing this scholarship.

  • The Gled-Hill Trust Scholarships are available to applicants who are members of any Protestant church in South Australia wishing to pursue an education toward the fulfilment of a Christian vocation.
  • The Scholarships offer funding toward any approved course or training program taught at or recognised by Uniting College for Leadership & Theology that will assist applicants in the pursuit of their Christian vocations.

Applications are considered on merit and a maximum of $5,000 is available to applicants over a 3 year period. For further information including eligibility criteria and application dates, please contact the College.

RH White Scholarships are made possible through the generous gift of Richard and Emily White.  Richard Henry White grew up in Cornwell England, where he experienced first-hand the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Cornish revival.  Richard migrated to Australia in 1878 and began working with Harris Scarfe, where he had a successful career as a manager for the Implement Company.  Richard married Emily Wincey in 1886 and they were both huge supporters of evangelistic missions. After an evangelist rally held in Adelaide, in 1912 by famed Americans, Dr Wilbur Chapman and Charles Alexander, Richard & Emily were so moved by the spirit that they gave their home for the establishment of a new bible college and later gave further gifts to provide scholarships.  The Bible College was named the Chapman Alexander Bible Institute and its vision was “To train young men and women in the English Bible and practical methods of Christian work.”

Uniting College would like to acknowledge the significant gifts of Richard Henry and Emily White which has made it possible for these scholarships to be offered.

  • The RH White Trust provides full or part fee scholarships for residents of South Australia who are undertaking the Certificate in Christian Ministry & Theology through Uniting College for Leadership & Theology. Once you have been admitted to the course scholarship applications are completed online as part of the enrolment process.
  • The RH White Trust also provides scholarships for residents of South Australia who are studying with Uniting College for Leadership & Theology at an undergraduate or postgraduate level with the and are not eligible for FEE-HELP.
  • Postgraduate students are also eligible to apply for ‘allowance funding’, to partially cover living expenses while they study.

For the selection criteria and further information, please contact

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