Our world needs courageous disciples and leaders.
Our mission is to educate courageous disciples and leaders for a healthy missional church. We want to help you become equipped and encouraged in the way of Jesus, through high quality education, wherever you are.
The word ‘courageous’ comes from the root word ‘cor‘ which means ‘heart’. In many places, the Bible calls us take heart, or be encouraged, for God is with us. Just as we are called to participate in God’s mission in our world, the call of discipleship and leadership invites us to step forward, to take heart, engaging in courageous mission and ministry, trusting in God.

Our mission is to educate courageous disciples and leaders for a healthy missional church.
No matter what level you at, or even if you’ve never studied before – we‘ll help you start and find your way in a rich and rewarding learning environment. We have courses all the way from certificate, diploma, bachelor, to graduate, masters and doctoral level. And our teaching is delivered by a flexible blend of in-person on our campus, or online.
We want to hear what God is calling you to be and do – the gifts you’ve been given, the experience and skills you’ve acquired, the potential you’ve yet to realize, the passion that brings you to life as a follower of Jesus.